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Slickensides. A variety of galena found in Derbyshire, England. Polygamian. Polygamous. Sophistry. The practice of a sophist; fallacious reasoning; reasoning sound in appearance only. Underagent. A subordinate agent. Batfish. A name given to several species of fishes: (a) The Malthe vespertilio of the Atlantic coast. (b) The flying gurnard of the Atlantic (Cephalacanthus spinarella). (c) The California batfish or sting ray (Myliobatis Californicus.) Better. More advanced; more perfect; as, upon better acquaintance; a better knowledge of the subject. Asleep. In the sleep of the grave; dead. Stickle. To separate combatants by intervening. Delight. That which gives great pleasure or delight. Gregorian. Pertaining to, or originated by, some person named Gregory, especially one of the popes of that name. Transcribbler. A transcriber; -- used in contempt. Simplician. One who is simple. Reinspect. To inspect again. Pyrargyrite. Ruby silver; dark red silver ore. It is a sulphide of antimony and silver, occurring in rhombohedral crystals or massive, and is of a dark red or black color with a metallic adamantine luster. Eunomian. A follower of Eunomius, bishop of Cyzicus (4th century A. D.), who held that Christ was not God but a created being, having a nature different from that of the Father. Bounden. Under obligation; bound by some favor rendered; obliged; beholden. Sicken. To make sick; to disease. Carnify. To form flesh; to become like flesh. Salient. Shooting out or up; springing; projecting. Caparison. Gay or rich clothing. Nymphish. Relating to nymphs; ladylike. Scapolite. A grayish white mineral occuring in tetragonal crystals and in cleavable masses. It is essentially a silicate of alumina and soda. Nonresisting. Not making resistance. Soliitariety. The state of being solitary; solitariness. Browbeaten. of Browbeat Clergy. The body of men set apart, by due ordination, to the service of God, in the Christian church, in distinction from the laity; in England, usually restricted to the ministers of the Established Church. Boned. Having (such) bones; -- used in composition; as, big-boned; strong-boned. Attack. An access of disease; a fit of sickness. Accessarily. In the manner of an accessary. Depravedly. In a depraved manner.Slickensides. A variety of galena found in Derbyshire, England. Polygamian. Polygamous. Sophistry. The practice of a sophist; fallacious reasoning; reasoning sound in appearance only. Underagent. A subordinate agent. Batfish. A name given to several species of fishes: (a) The Malthe vespertilio of the Atlantic coast. (b) The flying gurnard of the Atlantic (Cephalacanthus spinarella). (c) The California batfish or sting ray (Myliobatis Californicus.) Better. More advanced; more perfect; as, upon better acquaintance; a better knowledge of the subject. Asleep. In the sleep of the grave; dead. Stickle. To separate combatants by intervening. Delight. That which gives great pleasure or delight. Gregorian. Pertaining to, or originated by, some person named Gregory, especially one of the popes of that name.