dot  Life calculator 
dot  Astronomy 
dot  Length 
dot  Area 
dot  Time 
dot  Weight 
dot  Temperature 
dot  Capacity 
dot  Math 
dot  Density 
dot  Pressure 
dot  Random 
dot  IT converters 
dot  Electricity 

HTML, CSS, Javascript
 1. Html. What is Html. How to
 2. Html. Basics of Html5, Html4. BR tag
 3. Html. Format. B I U FONT tag. Html colors
 4. Html. Line HR tag, Sliding text MARQUEE tag
 5. Html. H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 DIV P tags
 6. Html. TABLE TD TR tag
 7. Html. TABLE TD tag, colspan, rowspan
 8. Html. IMG A tag
 9. Html. Document structure. HEAD BODY HTML tags
10. Html. FORM, INPUT tag. File upload
11. Html. Css. Basics
12. Html. Css. Links
13. Html. Css. Body and table background
14. Html. Css. Padding and margin
15. Html. Css. z-index, position, left, top
16. Html. Css lessons, examples - id, classes, inline style
17. Html. Pixel (px) to point (pt) to em conversion
18. Javascript. Basic tutorial
19. Javascript. Example. Content of DIV, and IMG
20. Javascript. Example. Motion
21. Javascript. Example. Create drop down menu

PHP programming language
 1. PHP. About, faq
 2. PHP. if, switch conditions
 3. PHP. Tasks and exercises
 4. PHP. Arrays, foreach loop
 5. PHP. include, require. Reserved variables
 6. PHP. Functions
 7. PHP. Loops for and while
 8. PHP. Tasks and exercises 2
 9. PHP. Arrays and functions. Game protopype
10. PHP. Form generator
11. PHP. Working with files
12. PHP. Date, time, timestamp
13. PHP. Sessions
14. PHP. Sessions, login and logout
15. PHP. Date, time. Year link's menu and form
16. PHP. FAQ script. Clear HTML file
17. PHP. GD.Create thumbnails from images
18. PHP. Loops. Form generator
19. PHP. Run PHP via Linux
20. PHP. Multi-language website example
21. PHP. Multi-language website example 2
22. PHP. SEO script example - 1. title, keywords, languages
23. PHP. SEO script example - 2. title, keywords, languages

Python programming language
 1. Python 3. Beginner. Getting started
 2. Python 3. Variables, data types. Numbers, text
 3. Python 3. Strings and methods
 4. Python 3. Type conversions. Numbers and methods
 5. Python 3. Lists, tuples, dictionaries, sequences
 6. Python 3. Sets
 7. Python 3. if condition, statement
 8. Python 3. Exercises, tasks -1
 9. Python 3. for loop
10. Python 3. Functions
11. Python 3. Exercises, Tasks - 2
12. Python 3. Extensions, modules
13. Python 3. Print output and format
14. Python 3. Input, output, files
15. Python 3. Error handling
16. Python 3. Classes and Objects
17. Python 3. Strict types, subtypes
18. Python 3. Iterators, generators. yeld
19. Python 3. Exercises, Tasks - 3
20. Python 3. Module shutil
21. Python 3. Module glob
22. Python 3. Monitoring. RAM Memory
23. Python 3. Mysql databases. Examples
24. Python 3. Sys module examples
25. Python 3. Re module. Examples
26. Python 3. Module OS. Random
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