A nutrition calorie, also referred to as a dietary calorie, is denoted as kcal or C. It is equivalent to 1000 energy calories (c), or one kilocalorie of energy. This information can be a bit confusing, but it's important to understand this distinction.
Few facts about milk
The Roman emperor Julius Caesar believed that the men of the Celtic and Germanic tribes were tall, strong, and very muscular because they swallowed a lot of meat and consumed a lot of milk.
The charming Cleopatra used to bathe in the products's baths to stay young and keep her skin healthy and soft.
During expeditions around the world in the 16th century, sailors transported goats on ships to ensure a steady supply of milk for energy and, at times, as a source of food.
In the 1970s, pharmacist Henri Nestlé created a the beverage formula for babies who could not feed on breast milk.
19th-century Louis Pasteur developed the technique of milk pasteurization. This method of killing bacteria was initially used to make beer.
In 1894, milking machines appeared. Before they were created, farmers milked cows themselves. Up to six cows were milked per hour, and thanks to invented technologies, up to 100 cows were milked simultaneously.