"Weyli!" (Wailh). "Woe to him who listens not to the language of light!"
welcome:welcome to the city of Jersalem
2017-04-28 06:19:37
Jeol:Where, it all began
2017-10-04 06:01:21
Guest:Please translate Quo vadis, Domine. In English, where goes thou, master. Thank you
2018-03-28 07:02:38
Guest:Warrior of GOD in Aramaic please
2018-11-29 08:45:54
Guest:Watchers in aramaic
2020-06-30 05:02:00
Mariana:How do you say World in Aramaic
2022-02-09 10:18:06
Use username: Guest, Anonymous, Programmer
The pleasure of love is in loving.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
The biggest room in the world, is the room for improvement.
The great majority of men, especially in France, both desire and possess a fashionable woman, much in the way one might own a fine horse -- as a luxury befitting a young man.