Difference between UTC and the time zone location is shown in seconds
UTC - T (s), in minutes
UTC - T (m), and in hours
UTC - T (h).
Usually administrative locations have
few other geographical time zones. One zone is for winter time and one zone is for summer time. Few other, secondary time zones can be assigned also. But actual, current geographical time zone is only one for administrative location. For example, on winter time geographical location
Europe/Vilnius has only one time zone:
EET, but not
EEST, which represents summer time.
You should remember, that UTC and GMT are practically identical.
UTC (GMT) time , your time now
It is 1 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according MADMT |
Is MADMT current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Atlantic/Madeira |
+ 3600 s |
60 min |
1 h |
18:53:18 |
No |
It has no offset from Coordinated Universal Time
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according MADST |
Is MADST current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Atlantic/Madeira |
+ 0 s |
0 min |
0 h |
17:53:18 |
No |
It is 1 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according MADT |
Is MADT current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Atlantic/Madeira |
-3600 s |
-60 min |
-1 h |
16:53:18 |
No |
It is 7.333 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according MALST |
Is MALST current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Asia/Singapore |
+ 26400 s |
440 min |
7.333 h |
01:13:18 |
No |
UTC+08 |
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur |
+ 26400 s |
440 min |
7.333 h |
01:13:18 |
No |
UTC+08 |
The difference between this time zone and Coordinated Universal Time
depends on a geographical atministrative location. Atministrative locations (administrative time zones) are listed on table below.
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according MALT |
Is MALT current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Asia/Singapore |
+ 27000 s |
450 min |
7.5 h |
01:23:18 |
No |
UTC+08 |
Asia/Singapore |
+ 25200 s |
420 min |
7 h |
00:53:18 |
No |
UTC+08 |
Asia/Singapore |
+ 26400 s |
440 min |
7.333 h |
01:13:18 |
No |
UTC+08 |
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur |
+ 25200 s |
420 min |
7 h |
00:53:18 |
No |
UTC+08 |
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur |
+ 26400 s |
440 min |
7.333 h |
01:13:18 |
No |
UTC+08 |
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur |
+ 27000 s |
450 min |
7.5 h |
01:23:18 |
No |
UTC+08 |
MART - Marquesas Islands Time
It is 9.5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according MART |
Is MART current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Pacific/Marquesas |
-34200 s |
-570 min |
-9.5 h |
08:23:18 |
No |
UTC-0930 |
It is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according MDDT |
Is MDDT current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
America/Cambridge_Bay |
-18000 s |
-300 min |
-5 h |
12:53:18 |
No |
America/Yellowknife |
-18000 s |
-300 min |
-5 h |
12:53:18 |
No |
It is 4.522 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according MDST |
Is MDST current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Europe/Moscow |
+ 16279 s |
271.317 min |
4.522 h |
22:24:37 |
No |
MDT - Mountain Daylight Time (North America)
It is 6 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according MDT |
Is MDT current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
America/Denver |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
Yes |
America/Bahia_Banderas |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
No |
America/Boise |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
Yes |
America/Cambridge_Bay |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
Yes |
America/Chihuahua |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
No |
America/Edmonton |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
Yes |
America/Hermosillo |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
No |
America/Inuvik |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
Yes |
America/Mazatlan |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
No |
America/North_Dakota/Beulah |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
No |
America/North_Dakota/Center |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
No |
America/North_Dakota/New_Salem |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
No |
America/Ojinaga |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
Yes |
America/Phoenix |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
No |
America/Regina |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
No |
America/Shiprock |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
Yes |
America/Swift_Current |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
No |
America/Yellowknife |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
Yes |
Canada/East-Saskatchewan |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
No |
Canada/Mountain |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
Yes |
Canada/Saskatchewan |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
No |
Mexico/BajaSur |
-21600 s |
-360 min |
-6 h |
11:53:18 |
No |
MEST - Middle European Summer Time Same zone as CEST
It is 2 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time
MET - Middle European Time Same zone as CET
It is 1 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time
MHT - Marshall Islands Time
The difference between this time zone and Coordinated Universal Time
depends on a geographical atministrative location. Atministrative locations (administrative time zones) are listed on table below.
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according MHT |
Is MHT current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Pacific/Kwajalein |
+ 43200 s |
720 min |
12 h |
05:53:19 |
No |
UTC+12 |
Pacific/Kwajalein |
+ 39600 s |
660 min |
11 h |
04:53:19 |
No |
UTC+12 |
Pacific/Majuro |
+ 39600 s |
660 min |
11 h |
04:53:19 |
No |
UTC+12 |
Pacific/Majuro |
+ 43200 s |
720 min |
12 h |
05:53:19 |
No |
UTC+12 |