Difference between UTC and the time zone location is shown in seconds
UTC - T (s), in minutes
UTC - T (m), and in hours
UTC - T (h).
Usually administrative locations have
few other geographical time zones. One zone is for winter time and one zone is for summer time. Few other, secondary time zones can be assigned also. But actual, current geographical time zone is only one for administrative location. For example, on winter time geographical location
Europe/Vilnius has only one time zone:
EET, but not
EEST, which represents summer time.
You should remember, that UTC and GMT are practically identical.
UTC (GMT) time , your time now
HDT - Hawaii–Aleutian Daylight Time
The difference between this time zone and Coordinated Universal Time
depends on a geographical atministrative location. Atministrative locations (administrative time zones) are listed on table below.
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according HDT |
Is HDT current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Pacific/Honolulu |
-34200 s |
-570 min |
-9.5 h |
08:18:59 |
No |
America/Adak |
-32400 s |
-540 min |
-9 h |
08:48:59 |
Yes |
America/Atka |
-32400 s |
-540 min |
-9 h |
08:48:59 |
Yes |
Pacific/Johnston |
-34200 s |
-570 min |
-9.5 h |
08:18:59 |
No |
It is 9 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according HKST |
Is HKST current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Asia/Hong_Kong |
+ 32400 s |
540 min |
9 h |
02:48:59 |
No |
HKT - Hong Kong Time
It is 8 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according HKT |
Is HKT current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Asia/Hong_Kong |
+ 28800 s |
480 min |
8 h |
01:48:59 |
Yes |
HMT - Heard and McDonald Islands Time
The difference between this time zone and Coordinated Universal Time
depends on a geographical atministrative location. Atministrative locations (administrative time zones) are listed on table below.
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according HMT |
Is HMT current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
America/Havana |
-19776 s |
-329.6 min |
-5.493 h |
12:19:23 |
No |
Atlantic/Azores |
-6872 s |
-114.533 min |
-1.909 h |
15:54:27 |
No |
UTC-01 |
Asia/Calcutta |
+ 21200 s |
353.333 min |
5.889 h |
23:42:19 |
No |
Asia/Dacca |
+ 21200 s |
353.333 min |
5.889 h |
23:42:19 |
No |
UTC+06 |
Asia/Dhaka |
+ 21200 s |
353.333 min |
5.889 h |
23:42:19 |
No |
UTC+06 |
Asia/Kolkata |
+ 21200 s |
353.333 min |
5.889 h |
23:42:19 |
No |
Europe/Helsinki |
+ 5989 s |
99.817 min |
1.664 h |
19:28:48 |
No |
Europe/Mariehamn |
+ 5989 s |
99.817 min |
1.664 h |
19:28:48 |
No |
HOVST - Khovd Summer Time
It is 8 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according HOVST |
Is HOVST current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Asia/Hovd |
+ 28800 s |
480 min |
8 h |
01:48:59 |
No |
UTC+07 |
HOVT - Khovd Standard Time
The difference between this time zone and Coordinated Universal Time
depends on a geographical atministrative location. Atministrative locations (administrative time zones) are listed on table below.
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according HOVT |
Is HOVT current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Asia/Hovd |
+ 25200 s |
420 min |
7 h |
00:48:59 |
No |
UTC+07 |
Asia/Hovd |
+ 21600 s |
360 min |
6 h |
23:48:59 |
No |
UTC+07 |
HST - Hawaii–Aleutian Standard Time
The difference between this time zone and Coordinated Universal Time
depends on a geographical atministrative location. Atministrative locations (administrative time zones) are listed on table below.
Administrative time zones |
UTC -T (s) |
UTC - T (m) |
UTC - T (h) |
Time now according HST |
Is HST current zone? |
Actual, current time zone |
Pacific/Honolulu |
-36000 s |
-600 min |
-10 h |
07:48:59 |
Yes |
Pacific/Honolulu |
-37800 s |
-630 min |
-10.5 h |
07:18:59 |
Yes |
America/Adak |
-36000 s |
-600 min |
-10 h |
07:48:59 |
No |
America/Atka |
-36000 s |
-600 min |
-10 h |
07:48:59 |
No |
Pacific/Johnston |
-36000 s |
-600 min |
-10 h |
07:48:59 |
Yes |
Pacific/Johnston |
-37800 s |
-630 min |
-10.5 h |
07:18:59 |
Yes |