New Zealand (NZ, NZL) - statistics, capital, codes
Flag: | |
Country: | New Zealand |
ISO: | NZ |
ISO 3: | NZL |
Phone, Calling Code: | +64 |
ISO numeric code: | 554 |
Fips code: | NZ |
Capital: | Wellington |
Capital airport code: | WLG |
Capital timezone: | Pacific/Auckland |
Capital (longitude/latitude/map): | |
Capital Elevation GTOPO30 (m): | 31 |
Capital Population: | 381900 |
Area (sqkm): | 268680 |
Area (sqmile): | 166950 |
Rank By Area: | 76 |
Population: | 4252277 |
Population Rank: | 123 |
Domain (TLD): | .nz |
Currency: | NZD |
Currency Unit: | New Zealand dollar |
Sign: | $ |
Small Unit: | Cent |
Currency Ratio: | 100 |
Postal Code: | #### |
Postal Regex: | ^(d{4})$ |
Languages: | English (en-NZ), Maori (mi) |
Neighbours: | |
Neighbours Codes: | |
Continent: | Oceania |
IP Place: | 50 |
Total IPs: | 6515712 |
Download Flag: | PNG |
Download Coat Of Arms: | PNG |
Download The Map Of The Country: | GIF |
Download data: | ZIP (TXT) |
Name | Population | Timezone | Elevation GTOPO30 | Capital (longitude/latitude/map) |
Auckland | 417910 | Pacific/Auckland | 43 | |
Wellington | 381900 | Pacific/Auckland | 31 | |
Christchurch | 363926 | Pacific/Auckland | 14 | |
Manukau City | 362000 | Pacific/Auckland | 43 | |
Waitakere | 208100 | Pacific/Auckland | 87 | |
North Shore | 207865 | Pacific/Auckland | 30 | |
Hamilton | 152641 | Pacific/Auckland | 39 | |
Dunedin | 114347 | Pacific/Auckland | 21 | |
Tauranga | 110338 | Pacific/Auckland | 18 | |
Lower Hutt | 101194 | Pacific/Auckland | 9 | |
Palmerston North | 75996 | Pacific/Auckland | 34 | |
Rotorua | 65901 | Pacific/Auckland | 287 | |
Hastings | 61696 | Pacific/Auckland | 19 | |
Nelson | 59200 | Pacific/Auckland | 11 | |
Napier | 56787 | Pacific/Auckland | 6 | |
Mangere | 55266 | Pacific/Auckland | 15 | |
Porirua | 50914 | Pacific/Auckland | 58 | |
Whangarei | 50900 | Pacific/Auckland | 7 | |
New Plymouth | 49168 | Pacific/Auckland | 64 | |
Invercargill | 47287 | Pacific/Auckland | 6 | |
Facts and information about the New Zealand