Mexico (MX, MEX) - statistics, capital, codes
Flag: | |
Country: | Mexico |
ISO: | MX |
ISO 3: | MEX |
Phone, Calling Code: | +52 |
ISO numeric code: | 484 |
Fips code: | MX |
Capital: | Mexico City |
Capital airport code: | MEX |
Capital timezone: | America/Mexico_City |
Capital (longitude/latitude/map): | |
Capital Elevation GTOPO30 (m): | 2240 |
Capital Population: | 12294193 |
Area (sqkm): | 1972550 |
Area (sqmile): | 1225683 |
Rank By Area: | 14 |
Population: | 112468855 |
Population Rank: | 10 |
Domain (TLD): | .mx |
Currency: | MXN |
Currency Unit: | Mexican peso |
Sign: | $ |
Small Unit: | Centavo |
Currency Ratio: | 100 |
Postal Code: | ##### |
Postal Regex: | ^(d{5})$ |
Languages: | Spanish (es-MX) |
Neighbours: | Guatemala, United States, Belize |
Neighbours Codes: | GT, US, BZ |
Continent: | North America |
IP Place: | 18 |
Total IPs: | 28991744 |
Download Flag: | PNG |
Download Coat Of Arms: | PNG |
Download The Map Of The Country: | GIF |
Download data: | ZIP (TXT) |
Name | Population | Timezone | Elevation GTOPO30 | Capital (longitude/latitude/map) |
Mexico City | 12294193 | America/Mexico_City | 2240 | |
Iztapalapa | 1815786 | America/Mexico_City | 2238 | |
Ecatepec de Morelos | 1655015 | America/Mexico_City | 2306 | |
Guadalajara | 1495182 | America/Mexico_City | 1598 | |
Puebla | 1434062 | America/Mexico_City | 2143 | |
Juarez | 1321004 | America/Ojinaga | 1124 | |
Tijuana | 1300983 | America/Tijuana | 97 | |
Leon de los Aldama | 1238962 | America/Mexico_City | 1806 | |
Gustavo Adolfo Madero | 1185772 | America/Mexico_City | 2284 | |
Zapopan | 1142483 | America/Mexico_City | 1568 | |
Monterrey | 1135512 | America/Monterrey | 543 | |
Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl | 1104585 | America/Mexico_City | 2235 | |
Chihuahua | 809232 | America/Chihuahua | 1437 | |
Naucalpan de Juarez | 792211 | America/Mexico_City | 2300 | |
Merida | 777615 | America/Merida | 14 | |
Alvaro Obregon | 726664 | America/Mexico_City | 2338 | |
San Luis Potosi | 722772 | America/Mexico_City | 1875 | |
Aguascalientes | 722250 | America/Mexico_City | 1882 | |
Hermosillo | 715061 | America/Hermosillo | 212 | |
Saltillo | 709671 | America/Monterrey | 1592 | |
Facts and information about the Mexico