South Korea (KR, KOR) - statistics, capital, codes
Flag: | |
Country: | South Korea |
ISO: | KR |
ISO 3: | KOR |
Phone, Calling Code: | +82 |
ISO numeric code: | 410 |
Fips code: | KS |
Capital: | Seoul |
Capital airport code: | SEL |
Capital timezone: | Asia/Seoul |
Capital (longitude/latitude/map): | |
Capital Elevation GTOPO30 (m): | 38 |
Capital Population: | 10349312 |
Area (sqkm): | 98480 |
Area (sqmile): | 61193 |
Rank By Area: | 110 |
Population: | 48422644 |
Population Rank: | 28 |
Domain (TLD): | .kr |
Currency: | KRW |
Currency Unit: | South Korean won |
Sign: | ₩ |
Small Unit: | Jeon |
Currency Ratio: | 100 |
Postal Code: | SEOUL ###-### |
Postal Regex: | ^(?:SEOUL)*(d{6})$ |
Languages: | Korean (ko-KR), English (en) |
Neighbours: | North Korea |
Neighbours Codes: | KP |
Continent: | Asia |
IP Place: | 6 |
Total IPs: | 112504320 |
Download Flag: | PNG |
Download Coat Of Arms: | PNG |
Download The Map Of The Country: | GIF |
Download data: | ZIP (TXT) |
Name | Population | Timezone | Elevation GTOPO30 | Capital (longitude/latitude/map) |
Seoul | 10349312 | Asia/Seoul | 38 | |
Busan | 3678555 | Asia/Seoul | 2 | |
Incheon | 2628000 | Asia/Seoul | 43 | |
Daegu | 2566540 | Asia/Seoul | 45 | |
Daejeon | 1475221 | Asia/Seoul | 71 | |
Gwangju | 1416938 | Asia/Seoul | 47 | |
Suwon | 1242724 | Asia/Seoul | 58 | |
Goyang-si | 1073069 | Asia/Seoul | 19 | |
Seongnam-si | 1031935 | Asia/Seoul | 80 | |
Ulsan | 962865 | Asia/Seoul | 10 | |
Bucheon-si | 850731 | Asia/Seoul | 14 | |
Jeonju | 711424 | Asia/Seoul | 44 | |
Ansan-si | 650728 | Asia/Seoul | 15 | |
Cheongju-si | 634596 | Asia/Seoul | 49 | |
Anyang-si | 634367 | Asia/Seoul | 52 | |
Changwon | 550000 | Asia/Seoul | 27 | |
Pohang | 500000 | Asia/Seoul | 5 | |
Uijeongbu-si | 479141 | Asia/Seoul | 50 | |
Hwaseong-si | 476297 | Asia/Seoul | 19 | |
Masan | 434371 | Asia/Seoul | 18 | |
Facts and information about the South Korea