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Languages. Verbal communicaton


Verbal communication there is an interplay between two or more people used talking symbols. Need to improve verbal communication skills especially faculty to listen, if you want effectively communicate. Because very important are opinions by your self. Which destine communication with other people.

Our daily lives often destine culture lack and imbroglio at the work, of course, at the home of communication. These entire problems impossible overcome only hard work, constantly working, perfection, and pursuance of a good result.

Intentional verbal

A verbal message is any type of spoken communication that uses one or more words. These are the conscious attempts to communicate with others through speech. Undoubtedly, the most unique aspect of human communication is the use of verbal symbols. lt is some-what of a miracle that we can look at ink marks on a piece of paper or listen to sounds carried on airwaves and be able to create images in each other's brains. In fact, the process works so well that we often are surprised when problems occur.

For example, a friend once commented to her mother (who came to this country from Europe) that she had just received a new VISA card. Her mother responded by saying. "Oh really. I didn't know you were planning a trip." To the mother, the term "visa" referred to a permit used to travel to foreign countries. In fact, this visa was a charge card. This example serves to illustrate the common principle that words themselves do not contain any meaning. In other words, it is a fallacy to believe that meanings are carried or contained by words. If it is possible to have misunderstandings using words that refer to such tangible objects as charge cards, imagine how difficult it is to be able to communicate to another person what we mean by such abstract terms as "truth," "justice," "fair," etc. Many labor contracts state that if a dispute arises, it must be resolved "within a reasonable period of time." Imagine how much confusion could potentially occur trying to agree on the meaning of "reasonable."


    Unintentional verbal messages are the things we say without meaning to. Everyone makes slips occasionally. During an interview with the director of admissions.

    Sometimes it's only when we get feedback from others (laughter, for instance) that we become aware we have transmitted such messages. Even in mass communication, which generally involves a great deal of planning and Control, such unintentional messages make their appearance. On a television program, the moderator of a network panel discussion on the safety of nuclear power plants voiced her agreement with one of the panelists. Two days later letters started arriving from all over the country; viewers were incensed by her lack of objectivity. In general, unintentional stimuli, both verbal and nonverbal, tend to increase in number if the person is a poor communicator. Obviously, those people who represent the mass media are expected to be skilled communicators. ( Stewart L. Tubbs, Sylvia Mols, 2001, p. 10 )


We saw that the communication process involves sending messages from one person's nervous system to another's with the intention of creating a meaning similar to the one in the sender's mind. The verbal message does this through words, the basic elements of language, and words, of course, are verbal symbols.

A symbol is something used for or regarded as representing something else. Thus the image of a lion can serve as a symbol of courage, a red and white striped pole as a symbol of a barbershop. In English the word "sun" is the verbal symbol used to designate the star that is the central body of our solar system; the French use another symbol, "Soleil"; and the Germans a third, "Sonne." All three symbols represent the šame star.

So initially no real association exists between a word we agree to call something and its referent, the object for which it stands. Clearly, the word is not the thing. A word is merely a verbal symbol of the object it represents. Such words as "Teletext," "modem," "digital information system," and "electronic mail are but a few of those that have entered our language as a result of the new communication technologies.

Once we agree on a system of verbal symbols, we can use language to communicate. Of course, if all the words we used referred only to objects, our communication problems would be eased considerably. We could establish what referents we were speaking about with somewhat less difficulty. But words also refer to events, properties of things, actions, relationships, concepts, and so on. Take the words "white lie." Suppose one of your friends tells you something that is not true and you find out and confront her with your knowledge. Although she explains that it was just a "white lie," you may consider her action a form of "deception" - it's even possible that an argument will ensue. And if you can't reach agreement on relatively simple terms, what about terms that represent higher levels of abstraction? What are the referents of such terms as "ethics," "freedom," and "responsibility"? In a speech on the enemies of responsible communication. ( Stewart L. Tubbs, Sylvia Mols, 2001, p. 102-103).
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